Category Archives: Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Groupon Deals: Buyer Beware!

Published on January 13, 2016

Groupon deals, while useful and appropriate for consumer goods, restaurant discounts and certain kinds of services (such as massages or hair cuts), are inappropriate for cosmetically related medical services like a rhinoplasty surgery (aka “nose job”). You can find Groupon

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Rhinoplasty Procedure FAQ

Published on October 13, 2015

Rhinoplasty is a delicate procedure involving the surgical reshaping of the nose and is quite common in today’s plastic surgery industry. If you have questions concerning the benefits and what to expect throughout the process, both pre- and post-op, below

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After Your Rhinoplasty Surgery: Common Instructions for Post-Operative Care

Published on February 5, 2015

After your rhinoplasty surgery, your facial plastic surgeon will provide you with specific postoperative instructions meant to ensure that you recover from your surgery without complications. You must remember that everyone does not heal in exactly the same way, so

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What to Do After a Bad Rhinoplasty Experience

Published on January 25, 2015

A cursory sweep of any search engine results shows that it isn’t hard to find tales of bad rhinoplasty experiences. While many of us are familiar with the more visible cases of botched celebrity plastic surgery, less well-known people around

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Reduction Rhinoplasty: A common rhinoplasty surgery in Scottsdale

Published on January 22, 2015

Many people are unhappy with some aspect of their looks, such as a nose that is too large for their facial features. An unbalanced nose can reduce your self-esteem and self-confidence to the point that many seek out a facial

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Is Augmentation Rhinoplasty Right for You?

Published on January 18, 2015

Augmentation rhinoplasty is a specific type of facial plastic surgery that increases the size of various parts of the nose. The goal of this cosmetic procedure is to correct deformities or give the nose a more aesthetically appealing appearance. It

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

Published on December 18, 2014

There’s no reason to resign yourself to a nose that doesn’t suit your face or that otherwise makes you unhappy. If you’re unsatisfied with the appearance of your nose, cosmetic rhinoplasty may be the answer. Cosmetic rhinoplasty, which is otherwise

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Rhinoplasty: Am I a Good Candidate?

Published on December 15, 2014

If you are currently unhappy with the size or shape of your nose and are interested in improving the aesthetics of this part of your face, you are likely to be a good candidate for a rhinoplasty. During the initial

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Functional Rhinoplasty Surgery for a Broken Nose

Published on December 10, 2014

If your nose is broken, the bones may heal in unnatural positions, and as a result, your nose might appear to be tilted. In some cases, segments of the fractured bones may protrude and cause bulges to appear. The broken

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Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Is a Nose Reduction Without Surgery Possible?

Published on December 8, 2014

For most people, facial harmony is an essential component of a healthy self-image. As one of its most prominent features, your nose serves a crucial role in balancing the physical attributes of your face. If you are frustrated by the

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