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Tag Archives: Scottsdale Nose Job
Meet Your Scottsdale Rhinoplasty Specialist Dr. David A. Hecht
Published on February 3, 2017 by P.C. M.D. David A. HechtIf you’re unhappy with the look of your nose or are looking to correct an unsatisfactory rhinoplasty, it pays to work with a highly credentialed and respected facial plastic surgeon. Rhinoplasty is the most complicated plastic surgery procedure and one that Read More…
Deviated Septum Surgery: Is A Septoplasty Necessary In Every Case?
Published on January 13, 2017 by P.C. M.D. David A. HechtAbout 80 percent of people have a deviated septum and aren’t even aware of it. The septum is the partition of bone and cartilage that separates the two channels, or nostrils, in your nose. A deviated septum is the misalignment Read More…
Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Scottsdale
Published on August 31, 2016 by P.C. M.D. David A. HechtFrom Jennifer Grey to Michael Jackson, people have been undergoing rhinoplasty for decades, but with not-so-great results. However, changes in surgical methods have changed the face of rhinoplasty surgery, helping patients retain as much of their ethnic appearance as possible and/or Read More…
Not Just Any Plastic Surgeon Will Do: Why You Want a Rhinoplasty Specialist
Published on February 15, 2014 by P.C. M.D. David A. HechtIf you are unhappy with the contours of your nose and are strongly considering a nose job, you will surely want to visit a rhinoplasty specialist. Unlike some general plastic surgeons, these specialists are eminently skilled in dealing with cartilage, Read More…